Country Life, R-liponsyra, 100 mg, 60 Vegan kapslar
Established 1971Heat Stable R-Lipoic AcidProtects Against Free Radicals Non GMO Certified by NSFDietary SupplementCertified Gluten-FreeKosher Parve HalalCertified B Corporation - Our Pledge of Integrity - Authenticity Cleanliness Freshness Consistency Accuracy R-alpha lipoic acid är en antioxidant som skyddar mot fria radikaler. Det har värmestabiliserats. YESNon-GMO Verified by True NorthNOYeast, Corn or WheatYESCertified Gluten-Free by GFCO.orgNOSoy, Milk or SugarYESCertified Vegan by the AVANOPreservativesYESRecyclable PackagingNONo Artificial Colors, Flavors or SweetenersYESManufacturing Supports Wind Power YESKosher-Parve YESCertified Halal by IFANCA Denna produkt har tillverkats på en NSF GMP-registrerad anläggning.

Country Life, R-liponsyra, 100 mg, 60 Vegan kapslar
Established 1971Heat Stable R-Lipoic AcidProtects Against Free Radicals Non GMO Certified by NSFDietary SupplementCertified Gluten-FreeKosher Parve HalalCertified B Corporation - Our Pledge of Integrity - Authenticity Cleanliness Freshness Consistency Accuracy R-alpha lipoic acid är en antioxidant som skyddar mot fria radikaler. Det har värmestabiliserats. YESNon-GMO Verified by True NorthNOYeast, Corn or WheatYESCertified Gluten-Free by GFCO.orgNOSoy, Milk or SugarYESCertified Vegan by the...