Garcinia Cambogia (60 Veggie Caps) - Paradise Herbs
SupplementFactsServing Size: 1 VegetarianCapsuleServings PerContainer: 60\xa0Amount PerServing%DV extract(50% HCA) containing 250 mg (-) Hydroxycric acid (HCA)500mg*Calcium (om garciniacambogia extract)80 mg**Daily Value notestablished. Other Ingredients Capsule (plant cellulose). 100% vegetarian. Ma whout fillers.Contains No common allergens. No ingredients add other than those listed.Raw Material: pericarp u extract naturally containing a full spectrum of active and synergistic constuents inuding but not limed to 50% HCA (hydroxycric acid).Naturally grown or ethically wild crafted whout chemical fertilizers/pesticis

Garcinia Cambogia (60 Veggie Caps) - Paradise Herbs
SupplementFactsServing Size: 1 VegetarianCapsuleServings PerContainer: 60\xa0Amount PerServing%DV extract(50% HCA) containing 250 mg (-) Hydroxycric acid (HCA)500mg*Calcium (om garciniacambogia extract)80 mg**Daily Value notestablished. Other Ingredients Capsule (plant cellulose). 100% vegetarian. Ma whout fillers.Contains No common allergens. No ingredients add other than those listed.Raw Material: pericarp u extract naturally containing a full spectrum of active and synergistic constuents inu...