Country Life, Carotenoid Complex, 60 Softgels
Established 1971Certified Gluten-FreeIncludes 5 mg LuteinIncludes 3 mg LycopeneProvides Antioxidant SupportDietary Supplement Certified B Corporation — Our Pledge of Integrity — AuthenticityCleanlinessFreshnessConsistencyAccuracy This complex contains a vegetable medley of broccoli, pumpkin, and carrot seed, which makes this a naturally, rich source of beta-carotene and other carotenoids. Along with lutein and lycopene, this complex also provides antioxidant support. YESCertified Gluten-Free by GFCO.org NOYeast or WheatYESRecyclable PackagingNOMilk, Salt or SugarYESManufacturing Supports Wind PowerNOPreservatives NOArtificial Flavors or Sweeteners NOMagnesium Stearate

Country Life, Carotenoid Complex, 60 Softgels
Established 1971Certified Gluten-FreeIncludes 5 mg LuteinIncludes 3 mg LycopeneProvides Antioxidant SupportDietary Supplement Certified B Corporation — Our Pledge of Integrity — AuthenticityCleanlinessFreshnessConsistencyAccuracy This complex contains a vegetable medley of broccoli, pumpkin, and carrot seed, which makes this a naturally, rich source of beta-carotene and other carotenoids. Along with lutein and lycopene, this complex also provides antioxidant support. YESCertified Gluten-Free b...