Edda Pharma Raspberry Ketone and Green Coffee 250 ml
Rueda Farma / Edda Pharma Raspberry Ketone and Green Coffee can be used as a food supplement in our diet, as it helps to burn the fat present in our body. In addition, scientific studies have shown that a ketone-enriched diet helps reverse the weight gain induced by a high-grade diet. The possible mechanism of action of ketone is that it stimulates the expression of some molecules, present in the fatty tissue, that help to burn the accumulated fat. In addition, it incorporates Green Coffee that helps reduce the amount of glucose released by the liver, making the body use the glucose reserves that our fat cells contain. For all these reasons, supplementing our diet with Ketone can help us lose those extra kilos in order to show off a perfect figure in summer. It is recommended only in adults, add 30 ml, measured with the dosing cap, in 1.5L of water and drink it throughout the day.

Edda Pharma Raspberry Ketone and Green Coffee 250 ml
Rueda Farma / Edda Pharma Raspberry Ketone and Green Coffee can be used as a food supplement in our diet, as it helps to burn the fat present in our body. In addition, scientific studies have shown that a ketone-enriched diet helps reverse the weight gain induced by a high-grade diet. The possible mechanism of action of ketone is that it stimulates the expression of some molecules, present in the fatty tissue, that help to burn the accumulated fat. In addition, it incorporates Green Coffee tha...