8pcs/bag Pain Relief Patch Chinese Herbs Medical Plaster For Back Shoulder Body Massage & Relaxation Tiger Balm Jmn033
DescriptionOrigin : CN(Origin)Symptom : otherApplicable People : AdultModel Number : JMN033Application : BodyItem Name : Joint Pain Relief PlasterShelf Life : 2 yearsDelivery Time : In Stock With Fast DeliveryFunction : Muscle Ache,Muscular Fatigue Arthritis,Joint Pain,Back/Neck/ MassageFeatures : Porous/waterproof and sweatproofSize : 7cm*10cmPackage:8Pcs/BagChinese Pain Relief Plaster is a flexible pain relieving patch.Once applied, its ingredients penetrate the skin and are absorbed, thus stimulating blood circulation around the area of pain.The product provides fast, long lasting pain relief and comfort for hours.Felxible material with Medium Size suitable for relief back muscle pain, knee joint pain, frozen neck shoulders, wrist pain, arm fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis.You can cut the Patch to any size you wish to fit the site of your painStructureandMaterial:ConsistoffarIRceramicpowder,medicalPSA,non-woven,releasepaperetc.Direction:Assisttreatmentforcervicalpain,shoulderperiarthritis,lumbarmusclestrain,lumbardischerniationkneejointache.HowtoUse:1.Cleananddryaffectedarea2.Removetheplasticbackingfromonesideofthepatch.3.Smooththatsideovertheareawhereyouwantpainrelief.4.Asyouremovetheotherhalfoftheplasticbacking,smooththeremainderofthepatchoverthepainarea.5.Removefrombackingfilmandapply.Removefromtheskinafteratmost8-12hours\'application,4-5timesperweek.Stopuseandaskadoctorif:1.Rash,acheorexcessiveskinirritationoccurs.2.Conditionsworsen.3.Symptomspersistformorethan7daysorclearupandoccouragainwithinafewdays.TheComparisonof the product with the ordinary products:Thus it can be seen that:This product is more thick and more heavy than the ordinary products.Its effects is betterthan that you thinkIt\'s used to treat the pain as follows:'

8pcs/bag Pain Relief Patch Chinese Herbs Medical Plaster For Back Shoulder Body Massage & Relaxation Tiger Balm Jmn033
DescriptionOrigin : CN(Origin)Symptom : otherApplicable People : AdultModel Number : JMN033Application : BodyItem Name : Joint Pain Relief PlasterShelf Life : 2 yearsDelivery Time : In Stock With Fast DeliveryFunction : Muscle Ache,Muscular Fatigue Arthritis,Joint Pain,Back/Neck/ MassageFeatures : Porous/waterproof and sweatproofSize : 7cm*10cmPackage:8Pcs/BagChinese Pain Relief Plaster is a flexible pain relieving patch.Once applied, its ingredients penetrate the skin and are absorbed, thus sti...