Country Life, Coenzymized DMAE, 350 mg, 50 Vegan Capsules
Established 1971Dimethylaminoethanol BitartrateWith PAK and Pantothenic AcidCertified Gluten-FreeOne of the Leaders in DMAEPrecursor to AcetylcholineDietary SupplementCertified B CorporationKosher From Country Life Vitamins, one of the leaders in DMAE^. DMAE is a precursor to acetylcholine, a key brain neurotransmitter. YESCertified Gluten-Free by GFCO.org NOYeast, Corn or WheatYESCertified Vegan By The AVANOSoy, Milk or SugarYESRecyclable Packaging NOPreservativesYESManufacturing Supports Wind Power NOArtificial Colors, Flavors or sweetenersYESKosher This product has been manufactured at a GMP Registered facility. ^Based on SPINSscan Natural, 52 Weeks ending 7/14/19.

Country Life, Coenzymized DMAE, 350 mg, 50 Vegan Capsules
Established 1971Dimethylaminoethanol BitartrateWith PAK and Pantothenic AcidCertified Gluten-FreeOne of the Leaders in DMAEPrecursor to AcetylcholineDietary SupplementCertified B CorporationKosher From Country Life Vitamins, one of the leaders in DMAE^. DMAE is a precursor to acetylcholine, a key brain neurotransmitter. YESCertified Gluten-Free by GFCO.org NOYeast, Corn or WheatYESCertified Vegan By The AVANOSoy, Milk or SugarYESRecyclable Packaging NOPreservativesYESManufacturing Supports Wi...