Forza Vitale Piluresis 100 ml
Piluresis de Forza Vitale, is a food supplement based on Vellosilla and Asparagus, favor the drainage of body fluids. Umbelliferone is a strongly diuretic substance present in good quantities in Vellosilla, a plant that, due to its properties, has earned the name of natural super drain. La Vellosilla works at the level of the renal tubules, stimulating the secretion of waste, chlorine, sodium and water. This action does not cause any kidney irritation, on the contrary, it represents the best remedy against urinary calculosis, especially when its action is amplified by that of the stonebreaker herb. The stone-breaking herb beneficial on calculosis Ursina Uva is usually used to protect the urinary tract and to prevent pathologies such as urethritis, acute cystitis, chronic cystitis and colibacillosis. Sarsaparilla has a strong diuretic, hypoxemic and arthuric action, all qualities naturally aimed at detoxifying the body and increasing the elimination of catabolites and uric acid. Sarsaparilla is an excellent phytodepurador, capable of counteracting the accumulation of heavy metals in the body. To neutralize hepatobiliary disorders, Fumaria is widely used, which combines a mild diuretic action with the many properties capable of solving difficult digestion, constipation, meteorism, halitosis and biliary dyspepsia. To remove excess water from the kidneys, the qualities contained in the root of Asparagus are useful; its draining action is provided by saponins, capable of producing an irritating effect at the level of the renal epithelium with the consequent increase in urinary secretion. The Ortosifón, is also used in the stimulation of the diuresis necessary to fight bacterial infections that can affect the urinary tract. The orthosiphon combines its diuretic action with important anti-inflammatory properties capable of accelerating the healing process. Rosa Canina adult plant extract exerts a hypoglycemic and diuretic action, to which is added the vitamin, provided by the extremely varied nutritional characteristics of the plant. The leaves of the Blackcurrant are also diuretic, as well as antirheumatic. Particularly rich in triterpenes and polyphenols, with the ability to purify the body, eliminate toxins and lower levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. Its diuretic action depends to a large extent on the presence of the essential oil, which makes the renal epithelium capable of freeing itself from most of the excess fluids and the slags contained therein. Take 40 to 50 drops 3 times a day, with plenty of mineral water.

Forza Vitale Piluresis 100 ml
Piluresis de Forza Vitale, is a food supplement based on Vellosilla and Asparagus, favor the drainage of body fluids. Umbelliferone is a strongly diuretic substance present in good quantities in Vellosilla, a plant that, due to its properties, has earned the name of natural super drain. La Vellosilla works at the level of the renal tubules, stimulating the secretion of waste, chlorine, sodium and water. This action does not cause any kidney irritation, on the contrary, it represents the be...