Swanson Full Spectrum Jerusalem Artichoke 400 mg 60 Capsules 55 gr
Herbal supplement with 90% inulin for digestive healthFull Spectrum Jerusalem ArtichokeJerusalem Artichoke is a source of the prebiotic fiber inulin, and this Swanson formula is comprised of 90% inulin. This herbal supplement has been used traditionally for gastrointestinal health, digestive health and overall wellness.You can't overlook the importance of fiber when it comes to overall health thanks to its role in promoting healthy digestion.

Swanson Full Spectrum Jerusalem Artichoke 400 mg 60 Capsules 55 gr
Herbal supplement with 90% inulin for digestive healthFull Spectrum Jerusalem ArtichokeJerusalem Artichoke is a source of the prebiotic fiber inulin, and this Swanson formula is comprised of 90% inulin. This herbal supplement has been used traditionally for gastrointestinal health, digestive health and overall wellness.You can't overlook the importance of fiber when it comes to overall health thanks to its role in promoting healthy digestion.