Forza Vitale Sage Compound 10 ml
What is compost Salvia and what is it for? Composted Salvia is a food supplement made from sage that stimulates metabolism and has an anti-inflammatory action . What are the properties of compost Salvia? Salvia, an essential oil, stimulates metabolism and tissue regeneration , has an anti-inflammatory action. Forza Vitale uses in its own compounds specific mixtures obtained by a Spagyric-Alchemical elaboration of plants characterized by a macrocosmic energy signature, naturally containing traces of colloidal trace elements, such as to amplify the effect of the product on the specific organ or the interested system. These naturally obtained food additives act as a support to transport the biochemical principles of the extract and guarantee the energy stability of the Espagyric product. The reference signatures are that of the Moon that governs the brain, stomach, lymphatic vessels and intestinal canal; and that of the Sun that governs the heart, the circulatory system and the spinal column. How to take compost Salvia from Forza Vitale? It is recommended to take 2 drops 3 times a day .

Forza Vitale Sage Compound 10 ml
What is compost Salvia and what is it for? Composted Salvia is a food supplement made from sage that stimulates metabolism and has an anti-inflammatory action . What are the properties of compost Salvia? Salvia, an essential oil, stimulates metabolism and tissue regeneration , has an anti-inflammatory action. Forza Vitale uses in its own compounds specific mixtures obtained by a Spagyric-Alchemical elaboration of plants characterized by a macrocosmic energy signature, naturally containing tra...