Cheetos Rock Paw Scissors Hamburger Large
Sorry, the Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard and Spock version of Sheldon Copper from The Big Bang Theory does not yet exist in a Cheetos version. But, if you don't understand the rules well either, it might be best to stick with the classic rock, paper, scissors game! Enjoy, delicious Burger-flavored Cheetos that you can have fun with and that will hopefully bring you to a victory!

Cheetos Rock Paw Scissors Hamburger Large
Sorry, the Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard and Spock version of Sheldon Copper from The Big Bang Theory does not yet exist in a Cheetos version. But, if you don't understand the rules well either, it might be best to stick with the classic rock, paper, scissors game! Enjoy, delicious Burger-flavored Cheetos that you can have fun with and that will hopefully bring you to a victory!
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