Forza Vitale SYS turmeric 50 ml
Sys turmeric from Forza Vitale is a food supplement based on Turmeric, it favors the functionality of the digestive system and the well-being of the gallbladder. It has choleretic, cholagogue, biliary spasmolytic, antiphlogistic properties of the bile ducts, eupptic, antiseptic, hepatoprotective, carminative, antibacterial. It is a remedy for digestive difficulties, since it simultaneously improves the intestinal bacterial flora. It is also used to resolve minor liver failure and poisoning, where it activates the excretory organs and gallstones. It is recommended: Adults: Take the maximum recommended dose. Children from 12 years: Take the minimum recommended dose.

Forza Vitale SYS turmeric 50 ml
Sys turmeric from Forza Vitale is a food supplement based on Turmeric, it favors the functionality of the digestive system and the well-being of the gallbladder. It has choleretic, cholagogue, biliary spasmolytic, antiphlogistic properties of the bile ducts, eupptic, antiseptic, hepatoprotective, carminative, antibacterial. It is a remedy for digestive difficulties, since it simultaneously improves the intestinal bacterial flora. It is also used to resolve minor liver failure and poisoning, ...