Esential Aroms aromatic synergy dream 15 ml
Ravintsara is an aromatherapeutic remedy with balsamic, mucolytic, expectorant and antiviral properties that deeply improves the respiratory tract. In addition, it strengthens our defenses and helps improve night rest. Bleach is relaxing, invigorating and helps to relax the airways when they are irritated. Contains essential oils of RAVINTSARA, LAVANDINA. Introduce into the essential oil diffuser. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not diffuse in the presence of children under 12 months of age without medical advice.

Esential Aroms aromatic synergy dream 15 ml
Ravintsara is an aromatherapeutic remedy with balsamic, mucolytic, expectorant and antiviral properties that deeply improves the respiratory tract. In addition, it strengthens our defenses and helps improve night rest. Bleach is relaxing, invigorating and helps to relax the airways when they are irritated. Contains essential oils of RAVINTSARA, LAVANDINA. Introduce into the essential oil diffuser. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not diffuse in the presence of children under 12 months of ...