Fitomedical Luppolo 200 ml
Fitomedical Fresh Plant Macerated Hop is a mother tincture useful for excitability, agitation and sleep disorders. Decreased appetite. Mild hypoestrogenias. Hyperandrogenias. Menopause, osteoporosis. Acne. Fungal dermatoses. It is recommended to take diluted in water, throughout the day. Rare cases of hypersensitivity. Contraindicated in hyperestrogenia (prolonged consumption of large quantities) and in pregnancy.

Fitomedical Luppolo 200 ml
Fitomedical Fresh Plant Macerated Hop is a mother tincture useful for excitability, agitation and sleep disorders. Decreased appetite. Mild hypoestrogenias. Hyperandrogenias. Menopause, osteoporosis. Acne. Fungal dermatoses. It is recommended to take diluted in water, throughout the day. Rare cases of hypersensitivity. Contraindicated in hyperestrogenia (prolonged consumption of large quantities) and in pregnancy.