Lavigor Lavienzym 120 units
Lavienzym from Lavigor is an association of proteolytic enzymes with a flavonoid useful in the resolution of irritations. The deficiency of enzymes can lead to poor wound healing, the development of chronic irritations, and a decreased defensive capacity against pathogenic organisms. Proteolytic enzymes promote the body's self-healing and help it defend itself. They do not inhibit irritation, but rather help to achieve a faster physiological remission and a more favorable evolution of the process. Product suitable for diabetics. It is amended before the main meals. The dose can be increased as needed.

Lavigor Lavienzym 120 units
Lavienzym from Lavigor is an association of proteolytic enzymes with a flavonoid useful in the resolution of irritations. The deficiency of enzymes can lead to poor wound healing, the development of chronic irritations, and a decreased defensive capacity against pathogenic organisms. Proteolytic enzymes promote the body's self-healing and help it defend itself. They do not inhibit irritation, but rather help to achieve a faster physiological remission and a more favorable evolution of the proce...