Whole Shiitake Mushrooms, 25 Grams by Eden Foods
Shiitake mushrooms are oak log grown on the shii tree pasania cuspidata or quercus cuspidata, two species of central and southern japan. Logs are cut in the fall at about eight inches in diameter. Spores are inserted in drilled logs are placed in pine forests for an ideal amount of sun, shade, and moisture. In about eighteen months shiitake emerge. They grow until the logs have largely decayed, usually four or five years.

Whole Shiitake Mushrooms, 25 Grams by Eden Foods
Shiitake mushrooms are oak log grown on the shii tree pasania cuspidata or quercus cuspidata, two species of central and southern japan. Logs are cut in the fall at about eight inches in diameter. Spores are inserted in drilled logs are placed in pine forests for an ideal amount of sun, shade, and moisture. In about eighteen months shiitake emerge. They grow until the logs have largely decayed, usually four or five years.