Saludalkalina Triptofran 60 capsules
Saludalkina Triptofran is a food supplement based on plants that provide L-Tryptophan, promoting the regulation of emotional well-being. Lack of serotonin can negatively contribute to anxiety, insomnia and stress. Tripofran is also potentiated with Saffron, Magnesium and vitamins of group B. It promotes the release of the serotonin nerurotransmitter. Keep in a cool and dry place out of the reach of children.

Saludalkalina Triptofran 60 capsules
Saludalkina Triptofran is a food supplement based on plants that provide L-Tryptophan, promoting the regulation of emotional well-being. Lack of serotonin can negatively contribute to anxiety, insomnia and stress. Tripofran is also potentiated with Saffron, Magnesium and vitamins of group B. It promotes the release of the serotonin nerurotransmitter. Keep in a cool and dry place out of the reach of children.