Provence Sante ORGANIC Gnavelle 20 ml of floral elixir
Gnavelle BIO from Provence Santé is indicated for those who cannot decide between two things, considering the correctness of one and then the other, and who suffer a lot. They are generally calm people who take on their own difficulties and do not want to talk about them with others. It is recommended to take several times a day, as long as the need arises. For chronic problems or old disorders, take each day either 4 drops diluted in a glass of water or a drink, and this several times a day or 16 drops added to your usual water bottle.

Provence Sante ORGANIC Gnavelle 20 ml of floral elixir
Gnavelle BIO from Provence Santé is indicated for those who cannot decide between two things, considering the correctness of one and then the other, and who suffer a lot. They are generally calm people who take on their own difficulties and do not want to talk about them with others. It is recommended to take several times a day, as long as the need arises. For chronic problems or old disorders, take each day either 4 drops diluted in a glass of water or a drink, and this several times a d...