Abad ABADigest 180 g
Abad's ABADigest is a dietary supplement based on diastatic malt extract and papaya extract among other ingredients that facilitate digestion . The stomach digests food thanks to substances called enzymes, which break the immediate principles (protein, carbohydrates and lipids) of food into substances that are more easily assimilated (amino acids, monosaccharides and fatty acids) by the intestine. With these enzymes we will avoid the discomfort caused by poor digestion. It is recommended to dissolve the content of 2 teaspoons in half a glass of water and take twice a day, during or after the main meals.
Abad ABADigest 180 g
Abad's ABADigest is a dietary supplement based on diastatic malt extract and papaya extract among other ingredients that facilitate digestion . The stomach digests food thanks to substances called enzymes, which break the immediate principles (protein, carbohydrates and lipids) of food into substances that are more easily assimilated (amino acids, monosaccharides and fatty acids) by the intestine. With these enzymes we will avoid the discomfort caused by poor digestion. It is recommended to...