Clematis Bernadine ('Evipo061') (PBR) (Boulevard Series) (3 litre pot | 60cm cane)
A low-growing, late-flowering clematis. Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: fertile, well-drained, neutral soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: July to September Hardiness: fully hardy A compact, late-flowering clematis, which is ideal for larger pots or smaller gardens. The flowers start to appear in midsummer and initially they are a very subtle mix of lavender-blue, pink and cream, but as they age, they fade to a soft silvery blue, which is accented by the boss of burgundy-flushed stamens. Each one can grow up to 10cm across, so they really look exquisite when clambering through the trellis or over an obelisk. Garden care: Cut back the stems to the base of the plant each winter and apply a mulch of well-rotted garden compost around the plant, avoiding the immediate crown.
Clematis Bernadine ('Evipo061') (PBR) (Boulevard Series) (3 litre pot | 60cm cane)
A low-growing, late-flowering clematis. Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: fertile, well-drained, neutral soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: July to September Hardiness: fully hardy A compact, late-flowering clematis, which is ideal for larger pots or smaller gardens. The flowers start to appear in midsummer and initially they are a very subtle mix of lavender-blue, pink and cream, but as they age, they fade to a soft silvery blue, which is accented by the boss of burg...