Forza Vitale Cardepat 50 ml
Cardepat from Forza Vitale acts favorably on the physiological activities carried out by the liver. The Dandelion possesses innumerable regulatory actions. It helps the correct intestinal transit, keeping organic purification constant. Silymarin, contained in the milk thistle plant, represents a mixture composed of three substances: silybin, silicristin and silidianin. Scientific studies, conducted both in vitro and in vivo, have specified the hepato-protective properties of Silymarin, thanks to a specific action to increase the production of liver proteins and to contrast free radicals. In the form of a tincture, it promotes cell regeneration, stimulates the immune system and covers cholinergic function. Artichoke contains large amounts of a chemical called cynarin, which acts at the liver level by increasing bile production. This substance improves digestion and has diuretic properties; also acting on lipid metabolism: it influences the production of endogenous lipoproteins and stimulates the excretion of triglycerides and their redistribution through the blood circulation. Chrysanthemum stimulates, on the one hand, the enzymes involved in digestive processes and, on the other, increases the functionality of those liver, reducing lipid production. Crespino bark, which is a plant belonging to the Berberidaceae family, is characterized by the presence of two molecules, berberine and bergamine. Numerous properties associated with it, primarily concerning purifying and diuretic actions. Boldo is rich in flavonoids and alkaloids from which an essential oil is obtained containing monoterpenes such as limonene and a molecule called boldine, which favors bile secretion by the liver. The Cohombrito is a plant with cholagogue, diuretic and laxative effects. Mint is a plant that, thanks to the presence of menthol, has direct action on the gastrointestinal tract, promoting digestion. Menthol is also an excellent analgesic for possible discomforts that are due to cramps and / or gastric burning. Rosemary, thanks to its pinene, cineole and antioxidant content, improves blood circulation. It is recommended to take 25 drops 3 times a day.

Forza Vitale Cardepat 50 ml
Cardepat from Forza Vitale acts favorably on the physiological activities carried out by the liver. The Dandelion possesses innumerable regulatory actions. It helps the correct intestinal transit, keeping organic purification constant. Silymarin, contained in the milk thistle plant, represents a mixture composed of three substances: silybin, silicristin and silidianin. Scientific studies, conducted both in vitro and in vivo, have specified the hepato-protective properties of Silymarin, thanks t...