Ladies Night The Card Game
Find out what your friends really think of you with the Ladies Night The Card Game - pay close attention, because things could get very interesting, very quickly! With thought-provoking questions printed on each card to raise eyebrows, get you giggling, and reveal what you and your friends really think about each other - these cards are certain to be a talking point!Shuffle the cards, then watch in anticipation as each player takes it in turns picking a card from the pile, and reading the question aloud. The group votes on the player that best suits the answer, and the card is rewarded to the player with the most votes. The first player to reach 10 cards, wins the game!With up to 180 Question cards like 'Which one of us will end up with the most casts when we are in our golden years?' to 'Which player's family would be the most entertaining to see on a reality show?', you are sure to get some giggles out of your hang out sessions with your friends.
Ladies Night The Card Game
Find out what your friends really think of you with the Ladies Night The Card Game - pay close attention, because things could get very interesting, very quickly! With thought-provoking questions printed on each card to raise eyebrows, get you giggling, and reveal what you and your friends really think about each other - these cards are certain to be a talking point!Shuffle the cards, then watch in anticipation as each player takes it in turns picking a card from the pile, and reading the ...
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