Shake That Weight Chocolate Hazelnut Shake
Our delicious and creamy Chocolate Hazelnut Shakes are a great choice as a meal replacement. They are high in protein, low in sugar and contain lots of essential nutrients and vitamins - these are important to keep you healthy when managing your diet rapidly on a very low calorie diet and will also help keep you fuller for longer between meals. Of course they also taste amazing, plus they’re easy to mix with no lumps More information about our Chocolate Hazelnut Shakes: * 200 kcal * 20+ vitamins and minerals * 13.0g of protein per serving * 26.5g of carbs per serving * 3.6g of fat per serving * Lactose free * Gluten free * Palm oil free * Made with sweeteners Nutritional information based on mixing with 200-230ml cold water.

Shake That Weight Chocolate Hazelnut Shake
Our delicious and creamy Chocolate Hazelnut Shakes are a great choice as a meal replacement. They are high in protein, low in sugar and contain lots of essential nutrients and vitamins - these are important to keep you healthy when managing your diet rapidly on a very low calorie diet and will also help keep you fuller for longer between meals. Of course they also taste amazing, plus they’re easy to mix with no lumps More information about our Chocolate Hazelnut Shakes: * 200 kcal * 20+ vita...