Banksia In A Pot by Angela Hawkey - Painting Rosalind Wheeler Format: Black Framed Canvas, Size: 102cm H x 102cm W x 5cm D
For Angela Hawkey, art has always been a part of her life for as long as she can remember. Having a strong heritage in the arts, she explored many art mediums but her passion is oil palette knife painting. Colourful Australian landscapes with a dash of pink, highly textured still life and floral garden paintings are a great love of hers. Being a photographer and an artist allows her to really notice those little glimpses of beauty that are often missed. She likes to embellish on that and add a bit of playfulness and fun. Even when starting with a subject or idea in mind, she freely deviates from the plan and loves the unexpected surprises and naturalness that come from a relaxed style of painting. Rosalind Wheeler Format: Black Framed Canvas, Size: 102cm H x 102cm W x 5cm DProduct Type: Painting Prints and Posters; Color: Blue, Green; Number of Pieces: 1; Country of Origin: UK; Art & Frame Features: Oil Painting; Animals: Feathers; Shape and Orientation: Square, Landscape; Style: American Traditional, Traditional; Shop by Room : Office, Bedroom; Popular Heights: 30'' H, 16'' H, 36'' H & Over, 24'' H; Art Material: Paper, Canvas; Trending: Landscape & Nature; Frame Type: Unframed, Framed, Wrapped Canvas, Framed Canvas, Framed Print; Popular Widths: 40" W, 26" W, 24" W, 18" W; Size: Small (40cm - 60cm High), Medium 25"-32", Medium (60cm - 80cm High), Mini 10"-17", Oversized 41"+, Oversized (Over 100cm High); Product Styles: Transitional Traditional, American Traditional, Traditional
Banksia In A Pot by Angela Hawkey - Painting Rosalind Wheeler Format: Black Framed Canvas, Size: 102cm H x 102cm W x 5cm D
For Angela Hawkey, art has always been a part of her life for as long as she can remember. Having a strong heritage in the arts, she explored many art mediums but her passion is oil palette knife painting. Colourful Australian landscapes with a dash of pink, highly textured still life and floral garden paintings are a great love of hers. Being a photographer and an artist allows her to really notice those little glimpses of beauty that are often missed. She likes to embellish on that and add a b...