Charles Bridge by Richard Macneil - No Frame Painting Rosalind Wheeler Size: 50 cm H x 100 cm W x 0.01 cm D
Officially licensed, high quality art print, made in the UK. Rosalind Wheeler Size: 50 cm H x 100 cm W x 0.01 cm DPopular Heights: 18'' H, 12'' H & Under; Size: Small (40cm - 60cm High), Mini (Under 40cm High), Mini 10"-17", Small 18"-24"; Art Material: Paper; Number of Pieces: 1; Subject: Buildings & Cityscapes, People; Country of Origin: UK; Style: Traditional, American Traditional; Color: Brown; Product Type: Painting Prints and Posters; Animals: Feathers; Shape and Orientation: Landscape, Rectangle; Popular Widths: 40" W, 24" W; Frame Type: Unframed; Art & Frame Features: Mixed Media Photography; Art Subject: Other Buildings, Couple, Other People
Charles Bridge by Richard Macneil - No Frame Painting Rosalind Wheeler Size: 50 cm H x 100 cm W x 0.01 cm D
Officially licensed, high quality art print, made in the UK. Rosalind Wheeler Size: 50 cm H x 100 cm W x 0.01 cm DPopular Heights: 18'' H, 12'' H & Under; Size: Small (40cm - 60cm High), Mini (Under 40cm High), Mini 10"-17", Small 18"-24"; Art Material: Paper; Number of Pieces: 1; Subject: Buildings & Cityscapes, People; Country of Origin: UK; Style: Traditional, American Traditional; Color: Brown; Product Type: Painting Prints and Posters; Animals: Feathers; Shape and Orientation: Landscape, Re...