Fundamentals of Palliative Care for Student Nurses
Fundamentals of Palliative Care for Student Nursesis a thorough yet accessible introduction and overview of a keyarea of the nursing programme. This textbook clearly explains thepalliation of symptoms and the social context of death and dying.Engaging with the latest guidelines and curriculum, it highlightsthe practical and communicative skills required for inductionprogrammes and continuing professional development. KEY FEATURES: * A full-colour, student-friendly, introduction to the essentialsof palliative, or end of life care * A topical and timely subject area, explored clearly andconcisely * Full of interactive pedagogy and features, including quizzes,multiple choice questions, vignettes/case studies andactivities * Features a companion website with links to further reading,additional activities and resources, and self-testing interactivemultiple choice questions Fundamentals of Palliative Care for Student Nurses focuses on this area with expert knowledge and compassion,preparing students in order to help them provide the best possiblecare for their patients and their families.

Fundamentals of Palliative Care for Student Nurses
Fundamentals of Palliative Care for Student Nursesis a thorough yet accessible introduction and overview of a keyarea of the nursing programme. This textbook clearly explains thepalliation of symptoms and the social context of death and dying.Engaging with the latest guidelines and curriculum, it highlightsthe practical and communicative skills required for inductionprogrammes and continuing professional development. KEY FEATURES: * A full-colour, student-friendly, introduction to the essentials...