Calcium Lactate + Sodium Alginate - Molecular Cuisine Spherification 50g-50g
DescriptionOther Names : Calcium Lactate Sodium AlginateOrigin : Mainland ChinaOther Names : qitaOrigin : Mainland ChinaClassification : Plant FoodState : Powdermodname=ckeditorSODIUM ALGINATE is extracted from sead, used for the spherification process ,it forms a gel in the presence of calcium ions.Add the alginate powder to flavoured liquid and pures,and use a syringe to squeezedroplets into a calcium bath, where they turn into gellified & 39;caviar& 39;Switch around the two ingredients for & 39;reverse spherification& 39; :using a sodium alginate bath and a calcium containing pure.For spherification use 0.2 to 1% of sodium alginate by weight of liquidBecause sodium alginate starts gelling in the presence of calcium, do not use in a highcalcium liquid, e.g. milk.In case of hard water ( high calcium content), use a calcium sequestrant ( eg. Sodiumcitrate or sodium gluconate).CALCIUM LACTATE is an extract of lactic acid.It works well in the production of caviar, pearls, spaghetti using spherification techniques.Calcium lactate provides calcium salts in a soluble form to react with sodium alginateIt& 39;s taste is more discreet than calcium chloride (salty and sometimes bitter / metallic)Calcium lactate works well in the production of drops, pearls and all shapes of spaghety immersion of alginate solution in a calcium setting bath.Use from 1 to 9% calcium lactate to provide calcium ions in setting baths for hydrocolloidsthat react with calcium ions (sodium alginate, gellan, pectin, caragennenans ( iota).The easiest way to get started learning Molecular Gastronomy/Modernist CookingContains Both Sodium Alginate and Calcium Lactate ( 100g of each )Ingredients are 100% Food Grade (Beware industrial grade versions of these products)",

Calcium Lactate + Sodium Alginate - Molecular Cuisine Spherification 50g-50g
DescriptionOther Names : Calcium Lactate Sodium AlginateOrigin : Mainland ChinaOther Names : qitaOrigin : Mainland ChinaClassification : Plant FoodState : Powdermodname=ckeditorSODIUM ALGINATE is extracted from sead, used for the spherification process ,it forms a gel in the presence of calcium ions.Add the alginate powder to flavoured liquid and pures,and use a syringe to squeezedroplets into a calcium bath, where they turn into gellified & 39;caviar& 39;Switch around the two ingredients for & ...