Forza Vitale SYS Propolis 50 ml
SYS propoli from Forza Vitale has anti-infective, antiseptic, antibiotic-like, anti-flu properties. Propolis is produced by bees through the elaboration of their glandular and enzymatic secretions, resinous and gummy substances collected by them. various substances are contained in propolis, including 50% to 60% resins and balsams, 30% to 40% wax, 5% to 10% essential oils and 5% pollen. Once the subdivision of substances that make up propolis, let's see the principles contained in them, which are: flavonoids (galangin, cuercitin, etc.), aldehydes (vanillin, etc.) coumarins, acid-phenols, trace elements and vitamins b1, b2, b6, and c. in external use, propolis is used in gargles and rinses (30-40 drops in little water) in canker sores, pyorrhea, gingivitis, stomatitis, etc. and when applied as a tincture of iodine (mercromine type), it is an excellent healing agent. It is very useful as an adjunct in flu syndromes, angina, canker sores, laryngeal-pharyngitis, gingivitis, stomatitis. For external use, gargle or topical use, excellent disinfectant and healing. It has anti-infective, antiseptic, antibiotic-like, anti-flu properties. Propolis is produced by bees through the elaboration of their glandular and enzymatic secretions, resinous and gummy substances collected by them. various substances are contained in propolis, including 50% to 60% resins and balsams, 30% to 40% wax, 5% to 10% essential oils and 5% pollen. Once the subdivision of substances that make up propolis, let's see the principles contained in them, which are: flavonoids (galangin, cuercithin, etc.), aldehydes (vanillin, etc.) coumarins, acid-phenols, trace elements and vitamins b1, b2, b6, and c. in external use, propolis is used in gargles and rinses (30-40 drops in little water) in canker sores, pyorrhea, gingivitis, stomatitis, etc. and when applied as a tincture of iodine (mercromine type), it is an excellent healing agent. It is very useful as an adjunct in flu syndromes, angina, canker sores, laryngeal-pharyngitis, gingivitis, stomatitis. For external use, gargle or topical use, excellent disinfectant and healing. 25-30 drops in water, 3 times a day.

Forza Vitale SYS Propolis 50 ml
SYS propoli from Forza Vitale has anti-infective, antiseptic, antibiotic-like, anti-flu properties. Propolis is produced by bees through the elaboration of their glandular and enzymatic secretions, resinous and gummy substances collected by them. various substances are contained in propolis, including 50% to 60% resins and balsams, 30% to 40% wax, 5% to 10% essential oils and 5% pollen. Once the subdivision of substances that make up propolis, let's see the principles contained in them, which...