Terpenic Organic Labrador Tea Essential Oil 5 ml of essential oil
Terpenic Organic Labrador Tea Essential Oil is obtained by distilling the leaves, originally from Canada. It has liver draining, decongestant, calming, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. Ideal for liver failure, prostatitis, nephritis, liver colic and insomnia. It is recommended in case of nephritic colic combining 8 drops Labrador tea + 4 drops Basil + 3 drops Petitgrain. On a base of 30ml of sweet almond oil. Apply in a gentle massage on the kidney and liver area. Do not use during pregnancy, lactation or in children under 6 years. ES-ECO-019-CT

Terpenic Organic Labrador Tea Essential Oil 5 ml of essential oil
Terpenic Organic Labrador Tea Essential Oil is obtained by distilling the leaves, originally from Canada. It has liver draining, decongestant, calming, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. Ideal for liver failure, prostatitis, nephritis, liver colic and insomnia. It is recommended in case of nephritic colic combining 8 drops Labrador tea + 4 drops Basil + 3 drops Petitgrain. On a base of 30ml of sweet almond oil. Apply in a gentle massage on the kidney and liver area. Do not u...