Optima Optimax Body Slim 500 ml
Optimax Body Slim by Optima is a supplement based on 6 phytocomplexes, useful for stimulating the metabolism, thanks to the action of thermogenesis, and to help maintain body weight. Thermogenesis is the process of converting the calories introduced with food into thermal energy, essential for thermoregulation, maintaining a healthy metabolism and controlling body weight. Contains: Bitter orange extract, useful for stimulating the metabolism; Extracts of cola, uaraná and maté titrated to 20% in caffeine to maintain body weight and directly act on the accumulation of fat; Dandelion and pilosella extract to purify and drain. Maximum recommended dose of product: 20 ml.

Optima Optimax Body Slim 500 ml
Optimax Body Slim by Optima is a supplement based on 6 phytocomplexes, useful for stimulating the metabolism, thanks to the action of thermogenesis, and to help maintain body weight. Thermogenesis is the process of converting the calories introduced with food into thermal energy, essential for thermoregulation, maintaining a healthy metabolism and controlling body weight. Contains: Bitter orange extract, useful for stimulating the metabolism; Extracts of cola, uaraná and maté titrated to 20% ...