Terranova Living Multivitamin Sport Caps 100 (T1490)
A multivitamin/mineral formulation for athletes and those who regularly participate in an exercise programme. Although the same nutrients that are essential to those who exercise regularly are also essential in those who dont exercise, the amounts of each nutrient required for optimal health can vary greatly depending on the ones physical activity level. And certain phytonutrients from both foods and botanicals will provide special advantages to the health of one who exercises, as well as advantages to performance and recovery for athletes. Terranovas Living Multivitamin SPORT features a wide array of micronutrients in dosages that are particularly relevant to exercise and sport, as well as an intensely synergistic Magnifood complex providing powerfully active botanicals compounds with specific value to exercise tolerance and athletic performance. Suggested Intake: Take 1 to 3 capsules with food daily.

Terranova Living Multivitamin Sport Caps 100 (T1490)
A multivitamin/mineral formulation for athletes and those who regularly participate in an exercise programme. Although the same nutrients that are essential to those who exercise regularly are also essential in those who dont exercise, the amounts of each nutrient required for optimal health can vary greatly depending on the ones physical activity level. And certain phytonutrients from both foods and botanicals will provide special advantages to the health of one who exercises, as well as advan...