Lertenys 600 Capsules Disposable Ear Type Acupuncture King Without Thread Paste Bean Massage Ear Type Acupuncture Set
Ear seeds can be used alone or in combination with acupuncture or body acupressure to treat a range of symptoms and can provide gentle support in your weight loss or smoking cessation efforts. It is already a finished product and can be used directly, just peel off the tape and stick it directly on the ear point, which is convenient and safe. This feature is important because the ear is packed with pressure points, and it's easy to hit one or more points around the point you intend to stimulate. Wang Bu Liu Xing can also activate blood, open energy channels in the body, and speed up the healing process. Specifications; 600 sticks/pack, (1 pack of 10 pieces, 1 piece of 60 sticks)
Lertenys 600 Capsules Disposable Ear Type Acupuncture King Without Thread Paste Bean Massage Ear Type Acupuncture Set
Ear seeds can be used alone or in combination with acupuncture or body acupressure to treat a range of symptoms and can provide gentle support in your weight loss or smoking cessation efforts. It is already a finished product and can be used directly, just peel off the tape and stick it directly on the ear point, which is convenient and safe. This feature is important because the ear is packed with pressure points, and it's easy to hit one or more points around the point you intend to stimulate...