Swanson Blessed Thistle 400 mg 90 Capsules
Swanson Full Spectrum Blessed thistle delivers a whole host of nutrients, including the B-vitamin complex and important minerals. Blessed thistle is an herb that is native to Europe and Asia, and it was traditionally used in "bitter" tonic drinks to enhance appetite and promote healthy digestion. The same application of this herb works just as well today as it did hundreds of years ago It is also frequently used to help balance female hormones.
Swanson Blessed Thistle 400 mg 90 Capsules
Swanson Full Spectrum Blessed thistle delivers a whole host of nutrients, including the B-vitamin complex and important minerals. Blessed thistle is an herb that is native to Europe and Asia, and it was traditionally used in "bitter" tonic drinks to enhance appetite and promote healthy digestion. The same application of this herb works just as well today as it did hundreds of years ago It is also frequently used to help balance female hormones.