Roses Floral Arrangement The Seasonal Aisle Flower Colour: Yellow
The Seasonal Aisle The presents an artificial 15-head flower bouquet that has excellent workmanship, bright colours, and looks real. The artificial flower can keep fresh for a long time without your care. The small rose flower is made of high-quality silk cloth and the stem is made of eco-friendly plastic. Fresh colour, non-toxic, safe and easy to clean. An artificial small rose flower bouquet needs no watering, trim or pruning. Don't need daily care, no fall off or fade. The small rose flower bouquet is suitable for decorating home, vases, living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens or studies and is ideal for flower bouquets, bridal bouquets, bridesmaids, hotels, offices, cafes, festivals and weddings. They can adapt to many places and they can withstand the test of time, remain the same and always be with you. Flower Colour: YellowFeatures: Outdoor Safe; Flower Species: Rose; Flower Type: Artificial; Flower Material: Faux Silk; Holiday / Occasion: Wedding; Flower Color: Red, Pink, Purple; Size: Large (2' - 2.5'), Small (8"-1.5'); Arrangement Type: Floral Arrangements and Centerpieces
Roses Floral Arrangement The Seasonal Aisle Flower Colour: Yellow
The Seasonal Aisle The presents an artificial 15-head flower bouquet that has excellent workmanship, bright colours, and looks real. The artificial flower can keep fresh for a long time without your care. The small rose flower is made of high-quality silk cloth and the stem is made of eco-friendly plastic. Fresh colour, non-toxic, safe and easy to clean. An artificial small rose flower bouquet needs no watering, trim or pruning. Don't need daily care, no fall off or fade. The small rose flower b...