Half Nude with Amber Necklace - Picture Frame Painting Print on Paper East Urban Home Frame Options: Matt black, Size: 100 cm H x 70 cm W
Half Nude with Amber Necklace - Picture Frame Painting Print on Paper East Urban Home Frame Options: Matt black, Size: 100 cm H x 70 cm WPopular Heights: 16'' H, 22'' H, 36'' H & Over, 26'' H; Art Material: Paper; Art Subject: Other People; Color: Beige, Tan; Product Type: Painting Prints and Posters; Number of Pieces: 1; Frame Type: Framed; Subject: People; Country of Origin: Germany; Shape and Orientation: Portrait, Rectangle; Size: Small (40cm - 60cm High), Medium 25"-32", Mini (Under 40cm High), Small 18"-24", Large (80cm - 100cm High), Mini 10"-17", Oversized (Over 100cm High), Medium (60cm - 80cm High), Large 33"-40"; Art & Frame Features: Made in Germany; Popular Widths: 12" W & Under, 26" W, 18" W, 20" W; Style: Modern & Contemporary
Half Nude with Amber Necklace - Picture Frame Painting Print on Paper East Urban Home Frame Options: Matt black, Size: 100 cm H x 70 cm W
Half Nude with Amber Necklace - Picture Frame Painting Print on Paper East Urban Home Frame Options: Matt black, Size: 100 cm H x 70 cm WPopular Heights: 16'' H, 22'' H, 36'' H & Over, 26'' H; Art Material: Paper; Art Subject: Other People; Color: Beige, Tan; Product Type: Painting Prints and Posters; Number of Pieces: 1; Frame Type: Framed; Subject: People; Country of Origin: Germany; Shape and Orientation: Portrait, Rectangle; Size: Small (40cm - 60cm High), Medium 25"-32", Mini (Under 40cm Hi...