Swanson 3151 BI6969
Swanson's product contains 515 mg of organic dandelion root in one capsule.Dandelion is a common plant - there are about 380 species in Poland. It is usually considered a weed, and its mature flowers are popularly called dandelions. However, dandelion has a wide range of uses in herbalism.The product includes:Dandel – helps maintain proper liver function, lose weight, has a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels, and stimulates digestion. Syrups and infusions are prepared from dandelion flowers. They are also added to various dishes to give them flavor. Flowers or herbs were also used to prepare baths and infusions.

Swanson 3151 BI6969
Swanson's product contains 515 mg of organic dandelion root in one capsule.Dandelion is a common plant - there are about 380 species in Poland. It is usually considered a weed, and its mature flowers are popularly called dandelions. However, dandelion has a wide range of uses in herbalism.The product includes:Dandel – helps maintain proper liver function, lose weight, has a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels, and stimulates digestion. Syrups and infusions are prepared from dandelion flowe...