Veggie Mattress Foam Mattress Veggie Mattress Size: 120 x 200cm
The Thermosleep mattress has been developed to balance our body temperature during our sleeping hours and enable a restful sleep. Body temperature directly affects the quality of our sleep. If it is too cold or too hot, our body will try to reach the right temperature first, and sleep later. With Thermoslepp you give your body the optimal conditions for rest, avoiding irritability due to lack of sleep, daytime sleepiness or tiredness, among others. Thanks to its innovative fabrics, it provides us with a rest solution that harmonizes our nights and contributes to our biological balance. Veggie Mattress Size: 120 x 200cm

Veggie Mattress Foam Mattress Veggie Mattress Size: 120 x 200cm
The Thermosleep mattress has been developed to balance our body temperature during our sleeping hours and enable a restful sleep. Body temperature directly affects the quality of our sleep. If it is too cold or too hot, our body will try to reach the right temperature first, and sleep later. With Thermoslepp you give your body the optimal conditions for rest, avoiding irritability due to lack of sleep, daytime sleepiness or tiredness, among others. Thanks to its innovative fabrics, it provides u...