Gum Proxabrush Handle And Refills, 1 each (Pack of 1)
No. 1 interdental brand recommended most often by dental professionals. Removes plaque between teeth. Great for: braces, bridges, implants. Antibacterial bristle protection*. *Proxabrush bristles have a patented Chlorhexidine antibacterial coating. Bacterial growth that may affect the bristles is inhibited. The Chlorhexidine on the bristles does not protect you against disease.

Gum Proxabrush Handle And Refills, 1 each (Pack of 1)
No. 1 interdental brand recommended most often by dental professionals. Removes plaque between teeth. Great for: braces, bridges, implants. Antibacterial bristle protection*. *Proxabrush bristles have a patented Chlorhexidine antibacterial coating. Bacterial growth that may affect the bristles is inhibited. The Chlorhexidine on the bristles does not protect you against disease.