Forza Vitale LES Betula Pubescens 50 ml
Les Betula pubescens from Forza Vitale is an excellent drainer for tissues infiltrated by excess metabolic waste. The yolks stimulate the immune defenses by activating the Reticulum Endothelial System. They promote the elimination of toxic catabolic substances. These buds are indicated in rickets, in states of general demineralization, in growth and nutrition disorders. It is recommended to take 20 to 25 drops, diluted in a little water, 1-3 times a day. Store in a cool, dry place, at room temperature.

Forza Vitale LES Betula Pubescens 50 ml
Les Betula pubescens from Forza Vitale is an excellent drainer for tissues infiltrated by excess metabolic waste. The yolks stimulate the immune defenses by activating the Reticulum Endothelial System. They promote the elimination of toxic catabolic substances. These buds are indicated in rickets, in states of general demineralization, in growth and nutrition disorders. It is recommended to take 20 to 25 drops, diluted in a little water, 1-3 times a day. Store in a cool, dry place, at room temp...