Forza Vitale LES Rosmarinus Officinalis 50 ml
Les Rosmarinus Officinalis Rosemary comes from rosemary, which is an evergreen, aromatic shrub with woody roots, scaly or choppy bark, curved leaves and small blue flowers on lateral spikes. the name rosmarinus of: "ros" and "marinus" means sea dew. The "water of youth" was made up of a tincture of rosemary, lavender and mint. the yemoderivative manifests an elective tropism, for the bile duct. Apply Les Rosmarinus Officinalis Romero 20/25 drops in a little water, before breakfast. Avoid night supply, as it stimulates brain activity.

Forza Vitale LES Rosmarinus Officinalis 50 ml
Les Rosmarinus Officinalis Rosemary comes from rosemary, which is an evergreen, aromatic shrub with woody roots, scaly or choppy bark, curved leaves and small blue flowers on lateral spikes. the name rosmarinus of: "ros" and "marinus" means sea dew. The "water of youth" was made up of a tincture of rosemary, lavender and mint. the yemoderivative manifests an elective tropism, for the bile duct. Apply Les Rosmarinus Officinalis Romero 20/25 drops in a little water, before breakfast. Avoid night...