Rion Pigeon Racing To Enhance Explosive Power, Eliminate Fatigue, Quickly Recover, And Return Home 300 Pigeon Health Supplements
DescriptionOrigin : Mainland ChinaTarget Pet : birdPigeon racing to enhance explosive power, eliminate fatigue, quickly recover, and return home 300 pigeon health supplementsIndicationsPigeon racing suppliesEliminate fatigue/soft feet/anti-stress/increase the explosive power of racing pigeonsIncrease explosive power, stability, increase mental and physical strengthRaw material compositionGoofy maruActive lactic acid bacteriaNatural plant extractsAmino acidElectrolyteAdd trace elementsuseintroduceRace pigeons return to the loft and take 1 capsule to promote metabolism, eliminate fatigue and restore physical strength.During the young period, take 1 capsule every two days to supplement nutrition, promote growth, and increase muscle elasticity.During the moulting period of young pigeons, one pill a day can shorten the moulting time, and this agent contains vitamin B5, which makes the newly grown feathers more shiny and deep oily.

Rion Pigeon Racing To Enhance Explosive Power, Eliminate Fatigue, Quickly Recover, And Return Home 300 Pigeon Health Supplements
DescriptionOrigin : Mainland ChinaTarget Pet : birdPigeon racing to enhance explosive power, eliminate fatigue, quickly recover, and return home 300 pigeon health supplementsIndicationsPigeon racing suppliesEliminate fatigue/soft feet/anti-stress/increase the explosive power of racing pigeonsIncrease explosive power, stability, increase mental and physical strengthRaw material compositionGoofy maruActive lactic acid bacteriaNatural plant extractsAmino acidElectrolyteAdd trace elementsuseintroduc...