The Modern Schoolman, 1946-1954, 6 Volumes & 10 Fascicules (Incompl...
Du n° 1, vol. XXIII, nov. 1945, au n° 3, vol. XXXI, march 1954. Summary of the n° 1, nov. 1945: Progress and problems in the reassessment of Boethius, James Collins. Before you start talking about God..., Gerard Smith s.j. Book Review, by Franz H. Mueller. Summary of the n° 3, march 1954: The doctrine of eternal matter and form, Lottie H. Kendzierski. 'Judgment' in St. Thomas, Francis A. Cunningham s.j. The morality of the exterior act, Palmer Rockey. Book Reviews. Bibliography.
The Modern Schoolman, 1946-1954, 6 Volumes & 10 Fascicules (Incompl...
Du n° 1, vol. XXIII, nov. 1945, au n° 3, vol. XXXI, march 1954. Summary of the n° 1, nov. 1945: Progress and problems in the reassessment of Boethius, James Collins. Before you start talking about God..., Gerard Smith s.j. Book Review, by Franz H. Mueller. Summary of the n° 3, march 1954: The doctrine of eternal matter and form, Lottie H. Kendzierski. 'Judgment' in St. Thomas, Francis A. Cunningham s.j. The morality of the exterior act, Palmer Rockey. Book Reviews. Bibliography.