Mutant Neoliberalism - Market Rule And Political Rupture
Tales of neoliberalism's death are serially overstated. Following the financial crisis of 2008. neoliberalism was proclaimed a "zombie," a disgraced ideology that staggered on like an undead monster. After the political ruptures of 2016, commentators were quick to announce "the end" of neoliberalism yet again, pointing to both the global rise of far-right forces and the re-invigoration of democratic socialist politics. But do new political forces sound neoliberalism's death knell, or will they instead catalyze new mutations in its dynamic development ? Mutant Neoliberalism brings together leading scholars of neoliberalism to rethink transformations in market rule and their relation to ongoing political ruptures. The chapters show how years of neoliberal governance, policy, and de-politicization created the conditions for thriving reactionary forces, while also reflecting on whether recent trends will challenge, reconfigure, or extend neoliberolism's reach. The contributors reconsider neoliberalism's relationship with its assumed adversaries and map mutations in financialized capitalism and governance from Europe and the United Slates to China and India. Taken together, the volume recasts the stakes of contemporary debate and re-orients critique and resistance within a rapidly changing landscape. Contributors : Etienne Balibar, Sören Brandes, Wendy Brown, Melinda Cooper, Julia Elyachar, Michel Feher, Megan Moodie, Christopher Newfield, Dieter Plehwe, Lisa Rofel, Leste Salzinger, Quinn Slobodian

Mutant Neoliberalism - Market Rule And Political Rupture
Tales of neoliberalism's death are serially overstated. Following the financial crisis of 2008. neoliberalism was proclaimed a "zombie," a disgraced ideology that staggered on like an undead monster. After the political ruptures of 2016, commentators were quick to announce "the end" of neoliberalism yet again, pointing to both the global rise of far-right forces and the re-invigoration of democratic socialist politics. But do new political forces sound neoliberalism's death knell, or will they i...