Forza Vitale Fico Compound 50 ml
It is a dietary supplement made from fig, hawthorn and black currant derivatives. Useful in heartburn, gastritis, duodenal ulcers, dysphagia Fico Composto is a useful food supplement in gastritis, colitis, dysphagia, hepatitis, pancreatitis. Forza Vitale uses in its own specific compounds mixtures obtained by a Spagyric-Alchemic elaboration, of plants characterized by a macrocosmic energy signature, naturally containing traces of colloidal trace elements, such as to amplify the effect of the product on the specific organ or the interested system. It is recommended for adults (Recommended dosage for subjects of normal weight): 25 drops 3 times a day. For children up to 12 years (Recommended dosage for subjects of normal weight): 10 drops 3 times a day. Diluted in water

Forza Vitale Fico Compound 50 ml
It is a dietary supplement made from fig, hawthorn and black currant derivatives. Useful in heartburn, gastritis, duodenal ulcers, dysphagia Fico Composto is a useful food supplement in gastritis, colitis, dysphagia, hepatitis, pancreatitis. Forza Vitale uses in its own specific compounds mixtures obtained by a Spagyric-Alchemic elaboration, of plants characterized by a macrocosmic energy signature, naturally containing traces of colloidal trace elements, such as to amplify the effect of the pr...