Country Life, Rapid Release Thyro-Max Support, 60 Tablets
Established 1971Certified Gluten-FreeKey Ingredients for Thyroid HealthRich in All Natural Iodine Derived from KelpCountry Life's Highest Concentration of IodineDietary SupplementCertified B CorporationKosher — Our Pledge of Integrity — AuthenticityCleanlinessFreshnessConsistencyAccuracy The thyroid is a small hormone producing gland that is involved in a wide range of functions. Thyro-Max Support includes key ingredients for thyroid health like iodine and tyrosine. Rich in all-natural iodine derived from Kelp (300% of the Daily Value for Iodine), this product comes in a special vegetable cellulose "Rapid Release" base for a quick release of nutrients. YESCertified Gluten-Free by GFCO.org NOYeast, Wheat or SoyYESCertified Vegan by the AVA NOMilk, Salt or SugarYESRecyclable PackagingNOPreservativesYESManufacturing Supports Wind PowerNOArtificial Colors or Flavors YESKosherNOArtificial Sweeteners This product has been manufactured at a GMP Registered facility.

Country Life, Rapid Release Thyro-Max Support, 60 Tablets
Established 1971Certified Gluten-FreeKey Ingredients for Thyroid HealthRich in All Natural Iodine Derived from KelpCountry Life's Highest Concentration of IodineDietary SupplementCertified B CorporationKosher — Our Pledge of Integrity — AuthenticityCleanlinessFreshnessConsistencyAccuracy The thyroid is a small hormone producing gland that is involved in a wide range of functions. Thyro-Max Support includes key ingredients for thyroid health like iodine and tyrosine. Rich in all-natural iodine d...