Provence Sante ORGANIC verbena 20 ml of floral elixir
Provence Santé organic verbena is indicated for those who have firmly established principles and ideas, which, surely they are right, rarely change them. They have a great desire to convert everyone around them to their views. Their will is strong and they have a lot of courage when they are convinced of what they are trying to profess. It is recommended to take it several times a day, whenever the need arises. For chronic problems or old disorders, take 4 drops diluted in a glass of water or a drink every day, and this several times during the day or 16 drops added to your usual bottle of water.

Provence Sante ORGANIC verbena 20 ml of floral elixir
Provence Santé organic verbena is indicated for those who have firmly established principles and ideas, which, surely they are right, rarely change them. They have a great desire to convert everyone around them to their views. Their will is strong and they have a lot of courage when they are convinced of what they are trying to profess. It is recommended to take it several times a day, whenever the need arises. For chronic problems or old disorders, take 4 drops diluted in a glass of water or a...