Specchiasol Physiosol 23 Calcium 20 ampoules
Fisiosol 23 Calcium of Specchiasol are trace elements in aqueous solution. In catalytic oligotherapy it is used in the manifestations of spasmophilia. Trace elements are indispensable chemical elements as they enter the composition of the tissues (the calcium of the bones), participate in the production of energy (intracellular magnesium), regulate the exchange of ions and liquids (sodium, potassium), activate enzymes (manganese, copper, zinc), are part of hormones (thyroid iodine). Some of these chemical elements are present in a very low concentration in the body (iron, selenium, chromium) for which they are also called 'trace elements'. It is the most abundant mineral in the human body, contained almost entirely in bones and teeth, in the form of calcium phosphate. A constant concentration of Calcium is necessary for the good health of the circulatory system, for the muscular and nervous system. Calcium plays a fundamental role in the bone mineralization process, in many enzymatic activities and in numerous phases of blood coagulation. Indications: In catalytic oligotherapy it is prescribed in the manifestations of spasmophilia. In pharmacological oligotherapy it is indicated in osteoporosis and other bone disorders.

Specchiasol Physiosol 23 Calcium 20 ampoules
Fisiosol 23 Calcium of Specchiasol are trace elements in aqueous solution. In catalytic oligotherapy it is used in the manifestations of spasmophilia. Trace elements are indispensable chemical elements as they enter the composition of the tissues (the calcium of the bones), participate in the production of energy (intracellular magnesium), regulate the exchange of ions and liquids (sodium, potassium), activate enzymes (manganese, copper, zinc), are part of hormones (thyroid iodine). Some of ...