250g Natural Dried Amomum Costatum Black Cardamom Tsaoko Sha Ren Chinese Herb TAO
Introduction: Whole Black Cardamom pods Black Cardamom is 4-6 times the size of the common small cardamom Its flavor, aroma, and other qualities are quite different from small cardamom Especially, it has a distinctly more astringent aroma, though not bitter, with coolness similar to mint In India, black cardamom is preferred in spicy dishes, wherein it is used liberally Whole cardamon like the ones in this listing are preferred as stocking cardamom powder for too long leads to loss of flavor

250g Natural Dried Amomum Costatum Black Cardamom Tsaoko Sha Ren Chinese Herb TAO
Introduction: Whole Black Cardamom pods Black Cardamom is 4-6 times the size of the common small cardamom Its flavor, aroma, and other qualities are quite different from small cardamom Especially, it has a distinctly more astringent aroma, though not bitter, with coolness similar to mint In India, black cardamom is preferred in spicy dishes, wherein it is used liberally Whole cardamon like the ones in this listing are preferred as stocking cardamom powder for too long leads to loss of flavor