Caraele Free Shipping 50-1000g Natural Muira Puama 250
Model Number : tqsModel Number : tqsWhat is Muira puama?Muira Puama is a plant whose trunk and root can be used as raw materials for food and health products. Muira can be used to prevent sexual dysfunction and promote libido. Therefore, it is also made into an aphrodisiac. In addition, it is also used to improve stomach upset, menstrual disorders, paralysis caused by rheumatism and polio, and as a general supplement and appetite booster.Muira Puama Extract Main Function1. Muira puama extract can help erectile dysfunction and impotency.2. Muira puama extract as a male aphrodisiac and libido promoter.3. Muira puama extract as a tonic (tones, balances, strengthens) for males.4. Muira puama extract can help hair loss and balding.5. Muira puama extract central nervous system tonic (tones, balances, strengthens) and antidepressant.The extract of Muira puama can be applied to the food and beverage industry or encapsulated and made into tablets and used as a nutritional supplement. It may have as well application in the cosmetic industry as a cellulites treatment.

Caraele Free Shipping 50-1000g Natural Muira Puama 250
Model Number : tqsModel Number : tqsWhat is Muira puama?Muira Puama is a plant whose trunk and root can be used as raw materials for food and health products. Muira can be used to prevent sexual dysfunction and promote libido. Therefore, it is also made into an aphrodisiac. In addition, it is also used to improve stomach upset, menstrual disorders, paralysis caused by rheumatism and polio, and as a general supplement and appetite booster.Muira Puama Extract Main Function1. Muira puama extract ca...