Drasanvi Red Life 500 ml
Drasanvi's Red Life incorporates various ingredients that act at different levels, as support in diets to lose weight. Very pleasant to take, even directly. It is key to appetite control, fat metabolism, toxin release and optimal intestinal transit. It is recommended to consume preferably on an empty stomach. It can be taken directly or dissolved in water, infusions, juices or smoothies. Keep out of reach of smaller children. Store in a cool, dry place.
Drasanvi Red Life 500 ml
Drasanvi's Red Life incorporates various ingredients that act at different levels, as support in diets to lose weight. Very pleasant to take, even directly. It is key to appetite control, fat metabolism, toxin release and optimal intestinal transit. It is recommended to consume preferably on an empty stomach. It can be taken directly or dissolved in water, infusions, juices or smoothies. Keep out of reach of smaller children. Store in a cool, dry place.