Equi-nutri Organic juniper 30 ml
It is best known medicinally for its black fruits, used as a spice and medicine. Juniper assists in the liver's cleansing action as well as all of its functions. Thanks to its depurative properties, it participates in the preservation of joints. Organic juniper macerate is a powerful diuretic and general detoxifier. It is recommended 5-10 drops a day, pure or diluted in mineral water. Without food. Not recommended for pregnant and nursing children and women. Do not use in cases of renal failure and for more than 6 consecutive weeks

Equi-nutri Organic juniper 30 ml
It is best known medicinally for its black fruits, used as a spice and medicine. Juniper assists in the liver's cleansing action as well as all of its functions. Thanks to its depurative properties, it participates in the preservation of joints. Organic juniper macerate is a powerful diuretic and general detoxifier. It is recommended 5-10 drops a day, pure or diluted in mineral water. Without food. Not recommended for pregnant and nursing children and women. Do not use in cases of renal failure...